Looking for an Excel course for beginners to experts? This online course has something for everyone, covering beginner, intermediate and advanced lessons in Excel.
In 15 engaging lessons you will learn basic techniques including how to use financial,engineering,math, statistical,Database,logic and text functions, organize data by sorting and filtering, effectively present your data in several chart formats and more. You will also learn advanced techniques such as how to find a value with VLOOKUP, create and format PivotTables, record basic Macros and more.
After successfully completing this course you will be able to:
- Distinguish different spreadsheet applications
- Discover the different features of a spreadsheet application
- Apply different spreadsheet functions, formulas, to more efficiently manipulate spreadsheet data
- Prepare different types of spreadsheets according to various business requirements
- Analyze and interpret data using advance data tools in spreadsheets
- Design worksheets for important financial applications such as budgeting, Leasing, Depreciation and Project Appraisal
- Apply macros for different contexts
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